Oct 31, 2012

Halloween Scenes

Cookies I made for pre-school and Shawn's office

Both pumpkins drawn by Tyler, carved by me

The cow was having a hard time standing still

Tyler, Chrissy, Thane getting ready to knock on some doors

One of the stops was at a nursing home.  Lots of smiles and candy there!

The infamous "parrot" to go on the pirate's shoulder.
 I looked everywhere for one and we ended up buying a white wedding dove and coloring it.
Imagine my irritation when I realized that I left it at home and it never saw the light of day. 

Oct 28, 2012

Fall Days

We are so happy to have nice fall weather.  It is in the 50s and 60s, with no snow or rain.  All of us like to be outside, even if it is just to walk through the leaves (even Cash, who is now walking likes cruising around the yard).

You might not guess that Cash is going to be one year old in a week.  Without hair, he looks so young.  He is maturing though, saying bye-bye and surprising us with his knowledge.  He holds a remote up to my ear, thinking it is a phone.  And he knows very well which cabinets he can get into and find snacks.

My main man Tyler.  He keeps me laughing (and yelling!).

I love little turned-up button noses.  And soft precious baby faces.

UGH!  To say we are happier not living in snow country is an understatement (at least for me).  This was a picture of our old house that Shawn took last week.  It gives me goosebumps!

Oct 23, 2012

Goofy Pumpkins

  Tyler opened the package from the mailbox and within minutes had these fumny faces stuck into on the pumpkins. We have Grandma H to thank for the presents!

Now we just need a pirate costume and we will be ready for Halloween!

Oct 22, 2012

Bald is beautiful

I have never spent much time thinking about how my kids will be when they grow up.  
  I do read parenting magazines, look at books, and cruise the internet to find advice and opinions and testimonials when I come across some behaviorial or sleep issues.
I've realized that I never hang on to any of this guidance.  We just end up doing what feels natural. 
What I can say though, is that both my boys laugh at me sometimes, and smile when I grin at them, and get excited and wave their arms and run up to Shawn when they see him after a long absence.
So however they turn out, I know that they are growing up in a happy home.
It's just too bad they have sleep-deprived parents.

Oct 19, 2012

Photos from our trip to PA

Tyler really liked acorns.  In fact, we have collected a bag of them to take home.

Whoops!  Someone locked the keys in the van.  Luckily some fancy stick maneuvering worked to grab the key ring.

Dorflinger Glass Factory and Wildlife Sanctuary

Milkweed seeds!

Oct 13, 2012

Let's Fly

A boy, his Pop pop, and a kite on a windy + sunny Pennsylvania day. 

This is Steamtown

While visiting my parents, we all went to Scranton, PA to Steamtown National Historic Site.
A very historical place, and lots LOTS of trains to look at!
Tyler really liked it, and next time we come we'll go for an actual ride.  This day we just walked around and were amazed by it all.

Oct 4, 2012

Bighorn Beauty

Shawn took us for drive the other night to look at some sheep coming down from the mountains. 
They spend summers eating green grass in the high country pastures, and then in the fall Peruvian sheepherders push them for miles and miles to fields where they live for the winter.
Shawn's been out monitoring and watching the sheep almost daily, making sure they don't interact with the wild bighorn sheep.
The sky was amazing, as usual.

Cloud bank and cold front moving in

the band of sheep plodding along